要說到我第一次知道1TYM這個算是韓國HIP HOP界天團是因為潘瑋柏翻唱他的歌才第一次聽到~就覺得這團的歌很有趣阿~~雖然是HIP HOP但卻很有趣~~才開始找他們的歌來聽~~覺得真不錯呢~~~但要說真的愛上他們因該算是從他們第五張大碟~也就是我正喜歡se7en的時候~開始慢慢的接觸YG FAMILY~~覺得裡面的taebin真的太帥拉~~~雖然是唱HIP HOP但歌聲卻一點也不輸流行歌手~甚至之後還推出自己的個人大碟~~第一主打還是抒情歌呢~~~真是好聽到爆~~裡面還有我很喜歡的宋柏京~看過BIGBANG實錄的人對他應該不陌生~~就是GD錄好this love送去給柏京欣賞~~他在1TYM休息間參加了宮S的演出~~也加入了歌舞黨的混聲說唱團體~都取得不錯的評價喔,隊長Teddy長得非常的霸氣~~rap功力也是一流阿~相信現在應該沒有人會不知道他~~因為創作實力頻頻受肯定~每首都賣座阿~每首風格還都不同呢~~已經被我稱做神拉~還有另一位也是我本人比較不熟悉的吳真渙~長得有點兇狠阿~~但rap實力也是一流~~但最近消息真的很少阿~~~至於我想寫這篇~主要是想要介紹我的神-teddy~~但要介紹的真的太多~~所以我想說先從1TYM著個團體開始介紹好了~相信大家對於他們的同名單曲"1TYM"和"HOT"都不陌生八~~~算是他們代表作之一~~~現場功力也很好~~每每現場都超high~~好想去看現場阿~~快點回歸八~~話不多說~~先介紹成員八
原名: 朴弘俊
出生年月日: 1978年9月14日
身高: 176 Cm
體重 : 59 Kg
學歷: 明知大学英文系
性格: 開朗,跟誰都能合得來
家庭關系: 父母,一男一女中長男
興趣: RAP,HIP-HOP, 吉它演奏, 收集HIP-HOP CD
專長: 跟興趣一樣
最有印象的禮物:來韓國的時候父母送的MD Player
解除壓力的方法: 聽HIP-HOP 音樂
喜歡的音樂人: Method Man, Noreaga Def Squad,徐太志,Wu-Tang, MOBB DEEP
喜歡的顏色: 黑色
喜歡的音樂形式: HIP-HOP
喜歡的運動: 網球
Teddy was born in Korea, but his family moved to New York City when he was in middle school. He lived in an area without much ethnic diversity, so he was the only Korean in his school and his friends were mostly African-American. He wasn't popular at all and was bullied a bit. One day in PE, he snapped and beat up a guy who was teasing him - he was so angry he had to be bodily pulled off him. After that he was hated and feared, but left alone. Then his father got transferred to Los Angeles, and Teddy went to Diamond Bar High School. There were many more Asians there and he made friends this time. (To know more about Teddy's childhood, read this autobiographical interview.)
He met Taebin at a party where Taebin was standing around acting cool and making his younger friends buy him food. Taebin asked to try on Teddy's hat, and they've been friends ever since. Together, they auditioned at Brothers Entertainment and got introduced to YG this way. (Taebin and Teddy before stardom. This is Taebin's form, and this is Teddy's.)
Teddy was an English major at Myongji University but left during his second year. He and Taebin moved to Seoul for 1TYM, and they shared an apartment for a while. They often go back to the US together and stay with Taebin's family in LA or at Teddy's house in New York.
Teddy has dual nationality, and because of recent laws he could be forced to fulfill his two-year military obligation if he stays in Korea. This is probably what caused his visa problems around the fourth 1TYM album, and it's one of the major reasons why he spends a lot of time in the US, and why he sometimes isn't present during 1TYM promotion.
Musically speaking, Teddy didn't have much input in the first album aside from writing his raps (Baek Kyoung and Perry did most of the composing and wrote most of the lyrics). However, he slowly started writing his own songs - he credits Perry for teaching him how to write and produce by himself - and now he's 1TYM's main songwriter and writes songs for other YG artists. He can play bass, electric guitar and piano.Teddy除了1TYM專輯中音樂最近也持續不斷寫了很多好歌~~包含Big Bang,太陽,2NE1等歌手的歌曲~~創作編曲樣樣一把罩~~連最近Big Bang的日文單曲都是teddy寫的~~應該可以說是現在YG製作群中重要的一員~~創作量驚人~~而且不會像某些製作人都寫類似的音樂~~teddy的音樂不但多元而且也可以滿足商業的需求~~像是他幫Big Bang & 2NE1寫的lollipop就是其中的代表作~~~多變的音樂也可以讓人感受到他對音樂所聽的量之大且對音樂的深度和廣度都非常大~相信他在五年甚至十年或更久都可以持續聽到他的好歌~不過你啥時出你自己的大碟阿~~快一點吃掉BOM給你的狸肚臍丸~~快點回歸八~哈哈
姓名: DANNY--主唱
原名: 任太斌
出生年月日: 1980年5月6日
身高: 180 Cm
體重: 65 Kg
學歷: 畢業於Diamond bar High school
興趣: 欣賞R&B音樂, 看電影 ,體育
專長: 體育
性格: 安静,話很少
家庭關系: 父母,兩男中老二
解除壓力的方法: 吃飯
最有印象的禮物: 哥哥在生日的时候送的CD機.
寶物1號:钱包. 理由:钱包中的照片很重要
喜歡的顏色: 藍色
喜歡的音樂形式: HIP-HOP, R & B
喜歡的運動: 棒球
喜歡的電影:Brave Heart(勇敢的心),The Godfather(上帝之父),Harry Potter(哈里波特),Minority Report(關键報告)Taebin grew up in Diamond Bar, California, which is on the outskirts of Los Angeles. When he was a kid, he wanted to be a really effective, elite lawyer... or the president. He met Teddy when he was in high school and auditioned at Brothers Entertainment with him. (See Teddy's profile for more detail about how they met.)
Taebin is the lead singer in 1TYM, but doesn't compose songs and rarely writes lyrics. He released a solo album in 2004. There has been rumors about a second solo album, but YG recently said that it's most likely not going to happen.
Family means a lot to Taebin. The tattoo on his right bicep says ?For Life being the hanja for Im), and he's been seen chanting his family name backstage before performing.Taebin有著出色且細膩的歌聲~~不但抒情歌唱得好~~HIP HOP中需要很強硬的歌聲也詮釋非常好~~第一張個人專輯歌可是超正點呢~~~我很喜歡~~~1TYM讓人驚訝的是專輯中不單單只有Hip Hop也有相當大量的抒情歌和輕快的曲風~~~在這之中~~Taebin就扮演相當中要的角色~~你也快出歌吧~~
出生年月日: 1979年4月12日
身高: 166cm
體重: 50kg
專長: 鋼琴
性格: 活潑,明朗,善變
喜歡的音樂人: J.Dupri, Teddy Riley,KIM HONGSOON,Q,SEAN PUFFY
喜歡的食物: 比萨, 拉面
初戀:小學6年級Originally, YG rejected Baek Kyoung for 1TYM, but he persisted and nagged his way in, which is a good indicator of his personality in general. He's very determined in everything he does, and he's said in interviews that he couldn't picture himself doing any job other than music.
He's a sound engineer and producer for 1TYM and writes a lot of songs. He likes a variety of music, particularly jazz and funk, which have a fair deal of influence on the music he writes. In addition to songwriting and producing, he raps and oftens does background vocals for Taebin. He speaks Japanese fluently and plays the piano and saxophone.
(Note that "Song Baek Kyoung" is how he tattooed his name in huge letters on his arm. We're assuming that this is the spelling he prefers, so please use it. He seems to be annoyed when people misspell his name.)柏京rap實力很好~~創作能力也很棒阿~~~不過他專長是鋼琴有嚇到我~~很難想像他安安靜靜彈鋼琴的樣子~~他的音樂之路一直是不間斷的~~從1TYM~到歌舞黨~~雖然都是Hip HOP~但風格卻相當的不同~~歌舞黨走的是歡熱派對風~~~但兩者都很棒~~~但最近他的消息很少~~最新的只有他幫2NE1編曲而已~~~請快點推出新的作品~無論是戲劇還是音樂我都會支持喔
姓名: 吴真涣--编舞,說唱
身高: 174cm
體重: 58kg
學歷: 鮮文大学 經營系1年級
興趣: 收集HIP-HOP資料, 遊戲廳
專常: 鼓,跳舞
性格 : 容易理解别人,大部分很活潑,偶爾内向..
解除壓力的方法 : 音樂的声音放大後,跟著唱
喜欢的音樂人: J.D DMX, WU-TANG
家庭關系 : 祖父,父母,哥哥
喜歡的顏色 : 白色,深蓝
喜歡的音樂形式 : HIP-HOP, R & B
喜歡的服裝:HIP-HOP style
喜歡的運動: 游泳,滑雪
童年夢想:醫生Jinhwan was a dancer for Jinusean (in a crew named Hi-Tech) before being in 1TYM, and that's where YG recruited him. On the producing/songwriting side, he doesn't do much, but he has a very distinctive, nasal, monotonous rapping style.
He is currently serving until 2008 (like most Korean males, he has to do a couple of years of military service). He went through a few months of basic training, and now he's working in a courtroom. This is why 1TYM has been put on hiatus, but they're expected to return in summer 2008.
(His nickname "Oh Jiral" isn't really a nickname, it's more of a name for an evil twin/alternate personality who sings in a horrible voice, wears sparkly suits and tortures Baek Kyoung. It first showed up around the third album, and you can see him in a video that was played during one of their 4th album concerts.)他算是我一直都很不熟悉的成員~~但長相讓我印象深刻~~rap實力也是很棒的~~
再來推一首他們的抒情歌-without you~~轉音很棒阿~是不是和想像中不一樣阿~~~
再推一首帶點節奏的抒情歌~Can't Let You Go~也是我超愛的一首歌
再來是我一定要大推的第五張大碟主打歌-Do You Know Me~MV很霸氣~~歌好聽到不行~Teddy oppa rap超棒阿~當然真渙rap也沒話說~大家一定要聽的一首歌阿~雖然MV有點暴力
Taebin - Reason I Close My Eyes MV~現在才發現女主角是具惠善~~
Taebin aka DANNY of 1tym - S.U.T. performance~這是在BB日本巡迴時當嘉賓的表演~~好好聽喔
GOD~Hyori Lee ft. Teddy - Anyclub ~我一直以為是和ERIC一起唱的ㄟ~~難怪覺得rap有點不像ERIC阿~~~
當然要介紹teddy就絕對不能錯過他幫se7en feat的i know~~~