此張專輯中有曾15次獲得金曲獎,为US5, KAT-TUN, V6, HEY!SAY!JUMP等著名歌手寫過曲的Steven Lee以及曾獲格莱美獎的Ken Lewis都参與了本張專輯的制作,整張專輯基本上都是輕柔的唱腔展現成熟的情感,和前一張正規專輯真的改變很大~~但對我而言~覺得很適合他們~~其中除了永生和亨俊本來就是公認的實力派~~其他三人也展現了驚人的成長~~大家還記得在錄第一張專輯的奎鐘嗎~~他的聲音小到差點錄不到呢~~現在呢~~唱的真好~~真替他開心~~正珉的唱功也更穩了~~賢重在主打歌"love like this"中展現了我想像不到的細膩轉音~~唱功也很不錯呢~~對我而言~~這張不單單是他們人氣達顛峰(也許還會更高)之作~~是實力人氣一起並進的時期,說了這麼多~~來好好介紹歌曲吧
首先是專輯主打歌"love like this"是一首很難形容的歌曲~帶一點電子的編曲~我很喜歡永生從主歌接到副歌的轉音~整個非常流暢阿~~好聽~~這首也連續兩周拿到音樂銀行的第一囉~~希望可以拿到更多阿
專輯中第三首歌曲-하루만 Only One Day,講述的是對於是去的愛難以忘懷的歌曲~這首的合音很棒阿~~
Obsess (중독)~是首中板快歌~~是首陷入熱戀的歌吧~~
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...
Green Peas (완 . 두 . 콩)~算是我最愛的一首歌~~很舒服~~只有簡單的伴奏~成員歌聲就著麼緩緩的流出~~非常好聽呢~
Green Peas (English Translation)
Hyun Joong:
One summer, in my eyes
Shines a green star, You
We, to each other, our love blossomed
Young Saeng:
Like the stars in the night sky
Sparkling green star
That look is so very lovely
Hyung Jun:
And every one of the moments that were together
Kyu Jong:
And every one of the promises that we made
Jung Min:
Also, every hour that were together
All of it
Kyu Jong:
Forever, we will hold on to
Jung Min:
3, 2, 1... Go!
I want to become a star
Wherever on this earth
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy
Jung Min:
And as I cry
And as I laugh
None other than you, always at my side
Hyung Jun:
And whoever can say whatever (they want)
Unchanging, one and the same
Our love will be together forever
Kyu Jong:
Always, like sparkling stars
In all the time that we are together
Hyun Joong:
Will shine even more brightly
Young Saeng:
Precious green star
My love
I want to become a star
Wherever on this earth
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy
Young Saeng:
(All of you) your love, thank you
We swear we love you
All for you
I want to become a star
Wherever on this earth
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy
High up in the sky, no matter where you all are
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy
Together with us
Will be happy
Credits: DSP Media + (English Translation) Feissy@Quainte501
091024 SS501 "Love Like This~首次回歸舞台~~最近他們上了金晶恩的音樂節目也談到了這次的表演喔~~雖然沒翻譯但我大概也聽得懂他們在說啥~~他們五人開場的手勢嗎 Hyung Jun 亨俊→L Kyu Jong 圭鐘→O Young Saeng 永生→V Jung Min 政玟→E Hyun Joong 賢重→♥